javascript 팁이 있는 곳입니다.
  • 웹미니 한줄 전광판 영역 입니다.
글 수 109


조회 수 : 8247 신고 : 0

작성자 : 웹준
포인트 : 672 | 레벨 : 2
미리보기 :  
이 자료는 블루비에서 얻어온 자료입니다^^
    <title>뉴스티커 기능</title>

#so_oTickerContainer {
    border-top:1px solid yellow;
    border-bottom:1px solid yellow;

#so_oTickerContainer h1 {
    font:bold verdana,arial;
.so_tickerContainer {
    border-top:1px solid yellow;
    border-bottom:1px solid yellow;

#so_tickerAnchor, #so_oTickerContainer a {
    font:bold arial,verdana;
    border-right:1px solid #000;

#so_oTickerContainer a {

#so_oTickerContainer ul {

#so_tickerDiv {

#so_tickerH1 {
    font:bold 1.0em arial,verdana;

#so_tickerH1 a {

#so_tickerH1 a img {
/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source!!
Created by: Steve Chipman | under: Creative Commons License


version 1.0
last revision: 03.30.2006

For implementation instructions, see:

Should you improve upon or modify this
code, please let me know so that I can update
the version hosted at slayeroffice.

Please leave this notice intact.


so_ticker = new Object();
so_ticker = {
    tObj: null,            
    pause: false,        
    tickerContent: [],    
    FADE: 10,
    NEXT_ITEM_TICK: 3000,
    init:function() {
        var d=document;    
        var mObj = d.getElementById("so_oTickerContainer");    
        so_ticker.tObj = d.createElement("div");        
        var h = d.createElement("h1");    
        var ea = d.createElement("a");
        pImg = ea.appendChild(document.createElement("img"));
        pImg.setAttribute("alt","Click to View all News Items.");
        ea.setAttribute("title","Click to View all News Items.");
        anchors = mObj.getElementsByTagName("a");        
        var nObj = mObj.cloneNode(false);        
        mObj.parentNode.insertBefore(nObj,mObj); = "none";    
        nObj.className = "so_tickerContainer";     
        so_ticker.zInterval = setInterval(so_ticker.tick,so_ticker.LETTER_TICK);    
    showContent:function() {
            var d = document;
            d.getElementById("so_oTickerContainer").style.display = "block";
            d.getElementById("so_nTickerContainer").style.display = "none";
    getTickerContent:function() {
        for(var i=0;i<anchors.length;i++) so_ticker.tickerContent[i] = so_ticker.getTextNodeValues(anchors[i]);
    getTextNodeValues:function(obj) {
        if(obj.textContent) return obj.textContent;
        if (obj.nodeType == 3) return;
        var txt = [], i=0;
        while(obj.childNodes[i]) {
            txt[txt.length] = so_ticker.getTextNodeValues(obj.childNodes[i]);
        return txt.join("");
    tick: function() {
        var d = document;
        if(so_ticker.pause) {
            try {
                so_ticker.currentLetter = so_ticker.tickerContent[so_ticker.current].length;
            } catch(err) { }
        if(!d.getElementById("so_tickerAnchor")) {
            var aObj = so_ticker.tObj.appendChild(d.createElement("a"));
            aObj.onmouseover = function() { so_ticker.pause = true; }
            aObj.onmouseout = function() { so_ticker.pause = false; }
            aObj.onfocus = aObj.onmouseover;
            aObj.onblur = aObj.onmouseout;
        if(so_ticker.currentLetter > so_ticker.tickerContent[so_ticker.current].length) {
    fadeOut: function() {
        if(so_ticker.paused) return;
        if(so_ticker.op<0) {
            so_ticker.op = .95;
            so_ticker.zInterval = setInterval(so_ticker.tick,so_ticker.LETTER_TICK);
    initNext:function() {
            so_ticker.currentLetter = 0, d = document;
            so_ticker.current = so_ticker.tickerContent[so_ticker.current + 1]?so_ticker.current+1:0;
            so_ticker.zInterval = setInterval(so_ticker.fadeOut,so_ticker.FADE);
    setOpacity:function(opValue,obj) { = opValue; = opValue; = "alpha(opacity=" + (opValue*100) + ")";
    clearContents:function(obj) {
        try {
            while(obj.firstChild) obj.removeChild(obj.firstChild);
        } catch(err) { }

function page_init(){


<div id="so_oTickerContainer">
    <h1>Latest News:</h1>
        <li><a href="">안녕하세요. 블루비에 오신것을 환영합니다.</a></li>
        <li><a href="">블루비는 웹개발자들을 위한 공간입니다.</a></li>
        <li><a href="">자료만 보시고 훌쩍 떠나는 유령은 반성하세요..</a></li>
        <li><a href="">감사합니다.</a></li>

소중한 댓글 부탁드립니다.
추천수 10단위당 메달이 1개씩 노출되고, 추천수에 따라 배경색이 변하며, 일정수의 추천수를 받을시 BEST 아이콘이 붙게됩니다.
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댓글 '4'

아트리147 (118292)

2009.11.04 21:23:08


조커 (118342)

2009.11.04 22:08:20

아 아직 답변이 없으시군...
leecher (137939)

2009.12.16 00:34:01

ㅡㅡ  머가 이리 길어

댕댕이 (148959)

2010.01.11 02:40:42

아.. 어렵다.ㅠㅠ

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