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  • 웹미니 한줄 전광판 영역 입니다.
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작성자 : title: [ani]깜빡이는 표정빽짱구
포인트 : 56933 | 레벨 : 25
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<head>와 </head>사이에 아래 소스 삽입
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// Break any frames not on this page.
if (window != top)
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var Xpos = 0;
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function FloatMenu() {
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if (floater.offsetTop > Yboundary + 10) // Object is past boundary
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Ypos *= Ygravity; // Slow object down = Xpos; += Ypos; // Make object bounce

window.setInterval("FloatMenu()", 40);


<!--<BODY>부분에 아래의 스크립트를 복사해 넣으세요-->

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출렁출렁..^^ <a HREF="test3.htm">이동하기</a>

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