javascript 팁이 있는 곳입니다.
  • 웹미니 한줄 전광판 영역 입니다.
글 수 109


조회 수 : 8070 신고 : 0

작성자 : 이병준
포인트 : 0 | 레벨 : 0
미리보기 :  
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ecukr">
    .block {width:25px;height:25px;border:solid 3;border-color:#999999;border-top-color:#ffffff;border-left-color:#ffffff}
    .onblock {width:25px;height:25px;border:solid 2;border-color:#CC0000;background-color:red;}
    .hblock{width:25px;height:25px;border:solid 2;border-color:#0033CC;background-color:blue;}
    .nblock{width:25px;height:25px;border:solid 2;border-color:#339900;background-color:#33CC33;}
    .xblock{width:25px;height:25px;border:solid 2;border-color:#000000;background-color:#000000;}
    // 만든이 : 리트쿠우(LitQoo) / 김현수
    // 홈페이지 : /
    // 이메일 :

        var set_row=10;
        var set_col=10;
        var direction="t";
        var sn = new Array();
        var newblock = new snake(0,0);
        var cnt = 0;
        var timerid=0;
        var set_xblock=0;
        var ticker=0;

        function snake(x,y,st){

        function snake_rand(max){
            return rand;

        //새꼬리 만드기
        function make_new(){
                tempname = eval("game.block_"+x+"_"+y+"");
            newblock.x = x;
            newblock.y = y;

        function display(s,st){
            tempname = eval("game.block_"+s.x+"_"+s.y+"");
            tempname.className = st;

        function game_timer(){
                for (i=cnt;i>=1;i--)
                    sn[i].x = sn[i-1].x;
                    sn[i].y = sn[i-1].y;                

            //끝났는지 범위 검사
            if(sn[0].x<=0 || sn[0].y<=0 || sn[0].y>set_row || sn[0].x>set_col){game_end(); return false;}
            tempname = eval("game.block_"+sn[0].x+"_"+sn[0].y+"");
            //새블럭먹었을경우 꼬리 늘이고 새블럭
                sn[cnt] = new snake(sn[cnt-1].x,sn[cnt-1].y);

            //끝났는지 블럭검사
            }else if(tempname.className!="block"){
                game_end(); return false;

            //머리블럭 나타내기
            turm = 800-cnt*20;
            game.speed.value = turm;

        function make_map(){
                    temp+=("<input type=button name='block_"+x+"_"+y+"' class='block'>");
            return temp;
        function game_key(event){
        //게임시작, 초기화
        function game_start(){
            set_col = game.game_col.value*1;
            set_row = game.game_row.value*1;
            set_xblock = game.game_xblock.value*1;
            sn[0]=new snake(5,5);
            sn[1]=new snake(5,6);
            cnt = 1;
            map = make_map();

        //장애물 생성
        function make_xblock(){
                xbox=new snake(x,y);
                tempname = eval("game.block_"+x+"_"+y+"");

        function game_end(){

 <BODY onload="" onkeydown="game_key(event)">

 <form name=game method="post">
<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="gid" value="snake">
<input type="hidden" name="gdata" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="gpoint" value="">

 <TABLE border=1 align=center>
    <TD> 가로<input name=game_row value=10 size=3>
            세로<input name=game_col value=10 size=3>
            장애물<input name=game_xblock value=5 size=3><INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="게임시작" ONCLICK="game_start()"></TD>
        <TD align=center>    
            <div id="game_div">        
                    document.write("<input type=button name='block_"+x+"_"+y+"' class='block'>");
    <TD align=center>점수<input name=gp value=0 size=3 readonly> 속도<input name=speed value=0 size=3 readonly> </TD>

소스를 다듬을 필요가 있을것 같은데 영 귀찮네요...
그나저나 링크엔 점수를 등록하여 랭킹을 표시할수있게 해놨는데
이걸 계속 뚫으시는 분들이 있네요. 이런 개구쟁이들 같으니..
당췌 이걸 어떻게 막아야 할지..
소중한 댓글 부탁드립니다.
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첫번째 댓글을 남겨주세요!

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